Our Company

Having a pair of shoes that fit and look great can make a big difference to your lifestyle.

Alfredo learnt his shoe making skills from his father together with Spanish craftsmen experienced in the art of creating beautiful, functional, handmade shoes.

Alfredo graduated from the Sydney Institute of Technology with a certificate in Surgical and Bespoke Footwear and has continued his education to become a Certified Pedorthist Custom Maker-CPed CM Au.

Alfredo is a registered member of the Pedorthic Association of Australia – PAA.

Alfredo and the experienced technicians at Robment Pedorthic Clinic combine their knowledge and skills to create and supply footwear that meets your individual requirements or appliances tailored to your specific medical needs.

We have gained our valued long term customers and our excellent reputation based upon our years of personalised service, use of high quality materials, and the products our skilled craftsmen and technicians deliver.

Once you’ve worn a pair of Robment Pedorthic Clinic shoes, we're confident you'll become one of our valued regular customers.

Why not contact us to make an appointment now?

You'll be doing your feet a great favour.